About us

A different approach

At Finanskandidaten, we're taking a unique approach to recruitment. Our main goal is to match companies and candidates by looking at their skills, values, and motivations. We strongly believe that a person's unique strengths should be the key factor in this process, not just assumptions.

This is why we're committed to identifying and understanding what each candidate and company needs and can offer each other. This approach allows us to tailor the perfect match that maximizes value for both parties.

Our mission is to challenge traditional perceptions of what a finance professional 'should' look like. We believe that talent can come in many forms, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or background. Therefore, we are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in an industry where breaking free from conventional thinking can be challenging.

By focusing on talent-based recruitment, we highlight the diversity in our talents, motivations, and resources, transcending gender, appearance, and age. Our evidence-based testing tool plays a crucial role in reducing bias in the hiring process. It also improves the alignment of expectations, boosts motivation, and increases the likelihood of forming more enduring and sustainable matches.

Our history

The recruitment industry has some deeply ingrained hiring practices and a degree of bias that can prevent employers from recognizing talents if they fall outside the norm. Finanskandidaten was founded with the goal of taking a more inclusive approach to hiring, benefiting employers and candidates alike.

In doing so, we aim to move beyond the rather rigid hiring patterns and biases that can cause candidates to be overlooked when they shouldn't be.

At Finanskandidaten, we are quite ambitious on behalf of the industry, and although what works may differ from industry to industry, I believe we can set a good example here. We want to put greater focus on inclusion and the entire DEIB agenda, but we also consider our customers' perspectives and will therefore push boundaries gradually. In general, we want to raise recruiting standards, preferably in collaboration with others, as we firmly believe that it is going to get us the furthest.

Attract the right people

We believe that the financial industry has the potential and resources to take the lead and set new standards for recruitment in general. At the same time, we believe that an industry focus can create better branding and attract new talents.

For employers, this means getting access to a broad and specific talent pool, while also ensuring candidates with the right skills. In contrast, candidates experience a more open and inclusive recruitment process where their abilities and motivation count higher than their background.

We are convinced that by embracing diversity, inclusion, and belonging, we can create a more dynamic, creative, and productive workplace. By expanding our understanding of talent, we open the door for more skilled people, more creativity, and a broader representation of the population and the customer segment.

Our values

Our foundation is built on generosity and creating value for people and employers. We aim to see eye to eye with both candidates and companies, and we're happy to work with others who share similar values as us. we believe in bigger succes, in collaboration with others.

Over time, we intend to push boundaries and champion new methods like blind hiring and anonymous job posts, as we're confident about one's full potential not always being apparent from a traditional resume.

Growth and investors don't drive us. We're fueled by the value of investing in people and making a difference for individuals and organizations. Work should be engaging and meaningful. We'll leverage any chance to positively impact recruiting practices industry-wide, setting an example for other businesses. We hope to raise the bar for recruitment, development, and the job market overall.

We want to overcome bias about the industry, inspire other companies, and earn your support as the finance sector's own jobs site focused on inclusion and advancing diversity, equity, belonging, and inclusion.

Meet the team

Nanna Boye Nielsen

Founder and CEO

I come from the finance industry, where I have been part of the business in the banking sector for 15 years.

Throughout my career, I have always prioritized people and delivered high performance. However, I have also experienced moments of losing momentum and not feeling that my abilities and potentials could be fully utilized within the frameworks I had. In reality, I have probably always had a need to break boundaries, to optimize and develop businesses, and to bring my ideas to life.

One of my greatest strengths is my visionary ability to come up with ideas and see potential, both in individual people and organizations – all of this, combined with sound values as a foundation, is something that comes into play with Finanskandidaten.

Kristoffer Dorph

Advisory Board

Kristoffer Dorph has been coding since he was 12 years old. He already has several major successes under his belt, including formerly as CTO at Lenus eHealth and now as founder and CTO of Stedger. With his focus outside the finance and corporate world, Kristoffer offers an external perspective to provide new angles. He has extensive experience in the startup/scaleup environment, and with Kristoffer's wise input and solid values, we will stay ahead in user-friendliness, technology, and risk management.

Pia Aarestrup

Advisory Board

Pia Aarestrup forstår at løfte ethvert individs potentiale til nye højder. Hun er det mest socialt intelligente menneske, vi her i Finanskandidaten nogensinde har mødt. Pia har stor erfaring fra tidligere jobs i toppen af finansbranchen, blandt andet som global head of HR i Danske Bank. I dag har hun en porteføljekarriere, der inkluderer virksomheden Aarestrup Executive og forfatterskab til bogen #MUVE. Hun er en fantastisk kapacitet i Finanskandidaten, som bidrager til det strategiske arbejde og den høje kvalitet, vi ønsker at levere til både virksomheder og kandidater.

Jan Schmidt

Advisory Board

Jan Schmidt lifts any atmosphere, sees and believes in possibilities, and creates followership in any context. Jan knows the financial industry from the executive suite to the front lines, most recently as a director at Totalkredit. 

He now spends most of his time as partner at Konsilium21 where his talents for winning people over and building trust flourish. Jan's ability to be present and build relationships is truly unique, and he has a strong commercial mindset and is an excellent seller and charismatic leader who never compromises the customer experience.

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