Cookies and privacy policy

At finanskandidaten.dken, we primarily use cookies to optimize our website and its functionalities, so we can improve your user experience on the site. Below, you can read more about our purposes for using cookies on our website, which cookies we use, and how to delete them.

What are cookies?

Cookies are used on almost all websites to enhance your experience on the site.

What is a cookie, exactly? A cookie is a small text file that our website stores on your computer, tablet, smartphone, or similar device when you visit our website.
The purpose of cookies is to allow the website to recognize your device, not you as a user, upon returning visits.

This means that cookies are stored in your web browser and collect information about your interactions on the website, such as which pages and features are visited using your browser. Therefore, cookies do not collect any personal information (such as your name, address, or similar) about you. Cookies are mainly used to compile statistics about your website usage.

Therefore, a cookie cannot gather information from your computer, spread computer viruses, or install other harmful programs.

How do I block and delete cookies?

You always have the option to delete cookies on your computer or mobile device by adjusting the settings in your internet browser.
In most browsers, this can be done by selecting advanced cookie settings in the internet options and adding finanskandidaten.dken to the list of websites from which you want to block cookies.

In internet options, you can also delete individual cookies or the cookies saved by your browser.

If you set your browser to block cookies, please be aware that there may be features and services on our website that you may not be able to use.

Guides for deleting cookies:

Here, you can find various guides on how to delete your cookies in different browsers and smartphones:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • Flash
  • On iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
  • Android phones
  • Windows Phone

At finanskandidaten.dken, we use cookies for the following purposes:

Technical functionality. We use this type of cookies to remember your preferences, such as whether you have accepted cookies or not.

Traffic measurement and visit statistics. We primarily use this type of cookies to improve the content and navigation of our website, so we can continuously optimize our site in terms of design, user experience, and efficiency.
Individually targeted advertising. We mainly use this type of cookies to display ads that we believe are most relevant to you.

This can include banner advertising on other websites.

How do we use your personal information?

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties unless you have given us consent to do so. Just as we never collect personal information without your consent, such as in connection with registration, setting up a new website, subscribing to a newsletter, and so on.

In this context, we may collect information such as your name, address, postal code, email, gender, age, interests, opinions, and knowledge of various topics.

We solely use your personal information to perform the service for which the information was collected, such as a purchase. Additionally, the information may be used to gain a better understanding of you and other users of the website. This usage may include surveys and analyses aimed at improving our products, services, and technologies, as well as showing you content and ads tailored to your interests.

How do we protect your personal information?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates the processing and collection of personal information, including personal information collected on the internet.

Therefore, according to the GDPR, our processing of your personal information can only be done with your consent. And your consent can be withdrawn at any time, after which we will delete your personal information.

Once you have given consent for the processing of your personal information, you also have the right, according to the GDPR, to be informed by us about what personal information we process about you. In case this information is incorrect or misleading, you have the right to request corrections or deletion.

According to the Data Protection Act, we must store your personal information securely and confidentially. This means that we only store your personal information on computers with limited access, located in controlled facilities, and we continuously monitor our security measures to ensure that your personal information is handled properly. However, you should be aware that providing your personal information is at your own risk.

We naturally ensure that your personal information is deleted or anonymized regularly as the purpose for which they were collected is completed.

If you believe that your personal information has not been handled correctly, you always have the option to file a complaint about the processing of information and data concerning you. This complaint should be submitted to the Data Protection Authority.

How can I find out what personal information you have about me?

If you want to know what personal information is registered about you with us, simply contact us at or by phone at 61 77 80 90.

If incorrect data is registered or if you have other objections, you can also contact us using the above contact information.

You always have the opportunity to gain insight into the information we have registered about you and can object to registration in accordance with the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation.

The website is operated and owned by:

Finanskandidaten ApS
Applebys Plads 7
1411 København K
Phone: 61 77 80 90
CVR: 43248537